"The Ruggles — Christmas Eve" (1949) - Watch and Download Free!

A Christmas episode from the classic TV show, The Ruggles, aired in 1949.

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Genre: Christmas, Comedy.

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More about The Ruggles — Christmas Eve (1949)

BnWMovies.com 3.3
  • Summary:   A Christmas episode from the classic TV show, The Ruggles, aired in 1949.
  • Decade:  
  • Genres:   Christmas, Comedy
The Ruggles — Christmas Eve (1949) The Ruggles — Christmas Eve
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"The Ruggles — Christmas Eve" (1949) Cast:

  • Charles Ruggles
  • Irene Tedrow


  1. Great Site!!!!-I Love The Old Chritmas Movies, I Really Apprecite All The Good Old Classics, All Movies, Thank You

  2. The movie brought back the feelings of post war America. It was God,country and family with gratitude for our deliverance from the war and our hopes for a greater future for all. We were thankful for the blessings we had those we were about to receive. What a time it was to be alive in the greatest country on earth.

  3. It’s still a great country…nostalgia is fun, but I’m afraid we see it through rose colored glasses.


  5. Feeling contentment after watching. Especially enjoyed both the dialogue and soft delivery as well as the pleasant sound of his voice. Good movie. Will probably watch again. Liked the fact that there were no “bad boys or girls” mouthing off to their elders.

  6. Love the movies. Love this site Thank you very much

  7. love theese old movies need more space to write more even t v in theese days are never as good as then i rase my glass to classicmovies

  8. made the tears flow. long gone.Yet remembered ,Perhaps wrongly or at least fondly altered.This was the do good get good era.right beats any fight.I love the movie for where it took me.B

  9. thanks for a touching movie ilove these

  10. wouldent it be wonderfull if it was like that

  11. Beautiful, loved the movie,so clean and simple, wish everyone could see the movie.

  12. So wonderful. Enlightening. Eye opener. Thanks BnW for this short yet beautiful movie.

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